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Arcadia Press
limba engleză, 191 pag. Format: 16,5x23,5 cm ISBN: 978-973-87125-6-0
Preț: 41,38 lei
Cod produs: CLT0005B
Multiple Choise Tests
Se adresează elevilor de gimnaziu care doresc să își însușească și să își îmbunătățească cunoștințele de gramatică, vocabular, cultura și civilizație britanică și americană. Conține 30 de teste grilă cu întrebări care au ca scop verificarea și consolidarea cunoștințelor de gramatică, vocabular, cultură și civilizație britanică și americană.
Such a promising title makes anyone become curious to open it. Curiosity will be rewarded because this book is a "treasure" of tempting tests. These tests are meant to help students prepare themselves better for any kind of examinations (either a Cambridge examination or a High School English Olympiad or a college admittance test or the "Cangurul" examination).
This book offers an alternative to all kinds of exams for students interested in preparing them.
It offers the student confidence and it makes him/her feel better prepared. This book offers 30 tests covering a large area of knowledge: i.e. grammar problems, vocabulary problems, but also problems related to the general culture of any student.
There could be found very inspiring "provoking" situations and, little by little, anyone could get answers to general and cultural problems he/she sometimes has to face, because there is the Key chapter for each set of tests, the students being, thus, offered, the correct result in a very quick and safe way.
It is a book that can help anybody who wants to pass an examination (but not only); it is also meant to play a "game" alone and to "taste" the power of one's knowledge.
This book is offered to students in a generous way, to make them feel powerful in "taming" to exams. It sounds like an attractive invitation. Don't be afraid to accept it because the Pouch is full!
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They say that what we know is not much, but what we do not know is enormous. Paradoxically, this is a perfect way to set off in our journey of acquiring knowledge. There is nothing more encouraging to say, nothing more challenging to face and nothing more inviting to do when an infinite ocean of unsolved mysteries lies ahead.
All the teachers and students who will solve the exercises in this book will understand the truth in this saying once they are done. All that is left to do is to brace up and set sail. The rest... is noise.
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Termen de livrare: pachetele sunt expediate în 1-2 zile lucrătoare de la confirmarea comenzii și ajung la destinație în 3-5 zile lucrătoare. Produsele sunt expediate direct din depozitul nostru, prin Poșta Română în sistem ramburs.
Taxe poștale: gratuit pentru pachetele de peste 150 de lei, între 6 și 8 lei pentru comenzi sub 75 de lei și reduceri progresive între 75 și 150 de lei.
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